Saint Paul will host our first parking lot worship on Sunday, June 7, starting at 9:00 a .m. We will continue these services every Sunday until we are back inside our Church. There will be no Saturday parking lot worship.
What will it be like?
Think of an old drive-in movie. You park in your car. You hear the service over your car radio. (We will provide the right frequency.) You sing with the congregation, pray when we pray, and receive Communion when distributed.
Unfortunately, there will be no big screen, no hot dog stand, and no intermission. Admission is free, so you don’t have to hide anyone in your trunk. And, please don’t be like my father and try to leave before the movie is over to avoid the traffic.
Do we have enough room?
Our parking lot is marked for 82 to 84 spaces. That means we have room for 40 cars with social distancing. We can also park on the grass if necessary. George will be marking every other space with a pink dot. Just park on a pink dot and you will have a clear view of the service. (There will be attendants to help.) Also, we will try to park big cars behind little cars.
What about other social distancing?
We want to provide a healthy, safe, and responsible worship experience. Please observe the usual social distancing. Please be sure to wear a mask if you go outside your car. We will have masks available for people who need them.
All attendants will be wearing masks and gloves. They will use hand sanitizer as needed.
How will Communion work?
Pastor uses special disposable individual Communion packets during hospital calls and shut-in visits. These packets look like coffee creamers. They have a small wafer on top, and grape juice in the bottom. They are very sanitary.
We will use these packets for parking lot Communion. They are easy to use. Pastor will introduce the packets. Then he will bless the Communion, and it will be distributed to those who
wish it. We will bring the Communion to your car. Pastor will announce when to eat the bread and drink the wine. You can dispose of the cup later.
What if it rains, snows, is too hot, etc.?
Then you get to watch Pastor get soaked, snowed, or baked from the comfort of your car.
Seriously, we will halt the service in case of severe weather or a tornado warning (just like we would if we were indoors).
What about the Offering?
You will be able to give your offering as you leave the service. We will have someone with a bag or box at the exit.
In the meantime, please feel free to mail your offering, bring it to the Church Office (call first), or use our electronic giving option. You can access electronic giving through our website: stpauladdison.com
Another word about the Attendants.
You will be in contact with three people at this service: the person who gives you the worship bulletin, the Elder who brings you Communion, and the person who will collect the Offerings at them end. This contact will as minimal as we can make it — less than what you might experience at a fast food drive-through.
As I said, all attendants will be wearing masks and gloves. They will use hand sanitizer as needed.
Will we still make You Tube videos?
We plan to keep producing a new video each week.
We remember . . .
. . .God’s Word is powerful no matter where you hear it or how you hear it. The Word always renews our minds and help us understand what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
May God bless our parking lot worship services! This should be a fun and unusual way to grow in wisdom, faith, and love.
As always . . . please call if you have any questions.